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Dr. Joseph Novak, Psy.D.

Dr. Joe Novak, Psy.D. is a licensed Clinical Psychologist in Illinois with 34 years of experience. Dr. Novak spent over 20 years as the administrator of adolescent inpatient and outpatient services, and adult inpatient services through the Mental Health Network at Northwest Community Hospital in Arlington Heights Illinois. Dr. Novak was later the CEO at Maryville Behavioral Health Hospital, an inpatient psychiatric hospital serving children, adolescents and adults. A consultant to local communities, and industry, partner at Solutions Northshore, a concierge-style Intensive Outpatient Program for teens, young adults and their families, and owner of Joseph J. Novak, P.C., an outpatient private practice, Dr. Novak is keenly aware of the importance of promoting the connection between physical and emotional health and well-being. Every personal story traces the path for one’s life journey, the emotional pain, the struggle, and overcoming obstacles. Dr. Novak has invested his professional career in the value of the human spirit and the importance of crafting and applying life changing tools to recover from adversity and growth in the presence of life’s challenges. Dr. Novak practice specializes in the psychological needs of youth, families and adults. In addition, Dr. Novak has extensive experience speaking and consulting to communities, government agencies and corporations.

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